Here is a html version endnote bibliography database that I used for my PhD thesis in about 2006 . It is incomplete and will remain so. I wont be updating this again but hopefully will be of some use to someone. I did not use all of these in my thesis !
There is PDF version, too. Also a nicer version can be found on my CiteULike page.
There are 824 papers, sorted by author.
Abascal, F., R. Zardoya, and D. Posada. 2005. ProtTest: selection of best-fit models of protein evolution. Bioinformatics 21:2104-2105.
Abdallah, M. M. F., R. A. Jones, and A. S. El-Beltagy. 1989. An efficient method to overcome seed dormancy in Scotch broom (Cytisus scoparius). Environmental \& Experimental Botany 29:499-505.
Adekambi, T., and M. Drancourt. 2004. Dissection of phylogenetic relationships among 19 rapidly growing Mycobacterium species by 16S rRNA, hsp65, sodA, recA and rpoB gene sequencing. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 54:2095-2105.
Aguilar, O. M., M. V. Lopez, P. M. Riccillo, R. A. Gonzalez, M. Pagano, D. H. Grasso, A. Puhler, and G. Favelukes. 1998. Prevalence of the Rhizobium etli-Like Allele in Genes Coding for 16S rRNA among the Indigenous Rhizobial Populations Found Associated with Wild Beans from the Southern Andes in Argentina. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 64:3520-1427.
Aguilar, O. M., O. Riva, and E. Peltzer. 2004. Analysis of Rhizobium etli and of its symbiosis with wild Phaseolus vulgaris supports coevolution in centers of host diversification. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 101:13548-13553.
Ahmad, M. H., and W. McLaughlin. 1985. Ecology and genetics of tropical rhizobia species. Biotechnol Adv 3:155-170.
Allen, E. K., and O. N. Allen. 1950. Biochemical and symbiotic properties of the rhizobia. Bacteriol Rev 14:273-330.
Allen, E. K., O. N. Allen, and A. S. Newman. 1953. Pseudonodulation of leguminous plants induced by 2-bromo-3,5-dichlorobenzoic acid. American Journal of Botany 40:725-731.
Allen, O. N., and E. K. Allen. 1936. Root nodule bacteria of some tropical leguminous plants. I. Cross nodulation studies with Vigna sinensis. Soil Science 42:61-77.
Allen, O. N., and E. K. Allen. 1939. Root nodule bacteria of some tropical leguminous plants. II. Cross nodulation studies with cowpea group. Soil Science 47:63-76.
Allen, O. N., and E. K. Allen. 1940. False nodulation on certain leguminous species. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 35:15-16.
Allen, O. N., and E. K. Allen. 1981. The Leguminosae, a source book of characteristics, uses, and nodulation. University of Wisconsin Press, Madison, Wisc.
Amarger, N. 2001. Rhizobia in the field. Pages 109-168 in Advances in Agronomy.
Amarger, N., V. Macheret, G. Laguerre, and N. Amarger. 1997. \emph{Rhizobium gallicum} sp. nov. and \emph{Rhizobium giardinii} sp. nov., from \emph{Phaseolus vulgaris} nodules. International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 47:996-1006.
Andre, S., M. Neyra, and R. Duponnois. 2003. Arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis changes the colonization pattern of Acacia tortilis spp. Raddiana rhizosphere by two strains of rhizobia. Microbial Ecology 45:137-144.
Andrews, J. H., and R. F. Harris. 2000. THE ECOLOGY AND BIOGEOGRAPHY OF MICROORGANISMS ON PLANT SURFACES. Annual Review of Phytopathology 38:145-180.
Antipchuk, A. F., and L. V. Kosenko. 2004. The influence of lipopolysaccharides and glucans from two Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae strains on the formation and efficiency of their symbioses with pea plants. Mikrobiologiia 73:62-67.
Anzai, Y., H. Kim, J.-Y. Park, H. Wakabayashi, H. Oyaizu, and Y. Anzai. 2000. Phylogenetic affiliation of the pseudomonads based on 16S rRNA sequence. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 50:1563-1589.
Arnold, D. L., A. Pitman, and R. W. Jackson. 2003. Pathogenicity and other genomic islands in plant pathogenic bacteria. Molecular Plant Pathology 4:407-420.
Asai, V. T. 1944. \"Uber die mykorrrhizenbildung der Leguminosen = pflaznzen. Japanese Journal of Botany 13:463-485.
Ausubel, F. M., R. Brent, R. E. Kingston, D. D. Moore, J. G. Seidman, J. A. Smith, and K. Struhl. 1987. Current Protocols in Molecular Biology.
Ba, S., A. Willems, P. de Lajudie, P. Roche, H. Jeder, P. Quatrini, M. Neyra, M. Ferro, J. C. Prome, M. Gillis, C. Boivin-Masson, and J. Lorquin. 2002. Symbiotic and taxonomic diversity of rhizobia isolated from Acacia tortilis subsp. raddiana in Africa. Systematic and applied microbiology 25.
Bala, A., and K. E. Giller. 2001. Symbiotic specificity of tropical tree rhizobia for host legumes. New Phytologist 149:495-507.
Bala, A., P. Murphy, and K. E. Giller. 2001. Genetic diversity of rhizobia from natural populations varies with the soil dilution sampled. Soil Biology \& Biochemistry 33.
Bala, A., P. Murphy, and K. E. Giller. 2002. Occurrence and genetic diversity of rhizobia nodulating Sesbania sesban in African soils. Soil Biology \& Biochemistry 34.
Bala, A., P. Murphy, and K. E. Giller. 2003. Distribution and diversity of rhizobia nodulating agroforestry legumes in soils from three continents in the tropics. Molecular Ecology 12:917-929.
Bala, A., P. J. Murphy, A. O. Osunde, and K. E. Giller. 2003. Nodulation of tree legumes and the ecology of their native rhizobial populations in tropical soils. Applied Soil Ecology 22.
Bala, M., and Y. D. Gaur. 1993. Effect of mixed inoculation with isogenic strains of Bradyrhizobium on total nodules of pigeonpea. Current Science 65.
Barnett, M. J., R. F. Fisher, T. Jones, C. Komp, A. P. Abola, F. Barloy-Hubler, L. Bowser, D. Capela, F. Galibert, J. Gouzy, M. Gurjal, A. Hong, L. Huizar, R. W. Hyman, D. Kahn, M. L. Kahn, S. Kalman, D. H. Keating, C. Palm, M. C. Peck, R. Surzycki, D. H. Wells, K.-C. Yeh, R. W. Davis, N. A. Federspiel, and S. R. Long. 2001. Nucleotide sequence and predicted functions of the entire Sinorhizobium meliloti pSymA megaplasmid. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 98:9883-9888.
Bassett, B., R. N. Goodman, and A. Novacky. 1977. Ultrastructure of soybean nodules. I: release of rhizobia from the infection thread. Canadian Journal of Microbiology 23:573-582.
Batut, J., and P. Boistard. 1994. Oxygen control in Rhizobium. Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek International Journal of General and Molecular Microbiology 66:129-150.
Batzli, J. M., W. R. Graves, and P. van Berkum. 1991. Isolation and characterization of rhizobia effective with \emph{Maackia amurensis}. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 117:612-616.
Baxevanis, A. D., and B. F. F. Ouellette. 1998. Bioinformatics: A Practical Guide to the Analysis of Genes and Proteins.
Beauregard, M.-S., P. Seguin, C. C. Sheaffer, and P. H. Graham. 2003. Characterization and evaluation of North American Trifolium ambiguum -nodulating rhizobia. Biology and Fertility of Soils 38:311-318.
Bell, P. J. L., A. Sunna, M. D. Gibbs, N. C. Curach, H. Nevalainen, and P. L. Bergquist. 2002. Prospecting for novel lipase genes using PCR. Microbiology 148:2283-2291.
Bellingham, P. J., R. P. Buxton, R. P. Duncan, and W. G. Lee. 2004. Seedling growth rate and survival do not predict invasiveness in naturalized woody plants in New Zealand. Oikos 106:308-316.
Bellingham, P. J., L. R. Walker, and D. A. Wardle. 2001. Differential facilitation by a nitrogen-fixing shrub during primary succession influences relative performance of canopy tree species. Journal of Ecology 89:861-875.
Benhizia, Y., H. Benhizia, A. Benguedouar, R. Muresu, A. Giacomini, and A. Squartini. 2004. Gamma proteobacteria can nodulate legumes of the genus Hedysarum. Systematic and applied microbiology 27:462-468.
Benson, D. R. 1988. The genus Frankia: actinomycete symbionts of plants. Microbiol Sci 5:9-12.
Bergersen, F. J., and G. L. Turner. 1978. Activity of nitrogenase and glutamine synthetase in relation to availability of oxygen in continuous cultures of a strain of cowpea Rhizobium sp. supplied with excess ammonium. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 538:406-416.
Bergsten, J. 2005. A review of long-branch attraction. Cladistics 21:163-193.
Beringer, J. E., N. Brewin, A. W. Johnston, H. M. Schulman, and D. A. Hopwood. 1979. The Rhizobium--legume symbiosis. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series B-Biological Sciences 204:219-233.
Beyene, D., S. Kassa, F. Ampy, A. Asseffa, T. Gebremedhin, and P. van Berkum. 2004. Ethiopian soils harbor natural populations of rhizobia that form symbioses with common bean ( Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Archives of Microbiology 181:129-136.
Bloem, J. F., and I. J. Law. 2001. Determination of competitive abilities of Bradyrhizobium japonicum strains in soils from soybean production regions in South Africa. Biology and Fertility of Soils 33:181-189.
Boivin, C., I. Ndoye, F. Molouba, P. deLajudie, N. Dupuy, and B. Dreyfus. 1997. Stem nodulation in legumes: Diversity, mechanisms, and unusual characteristics. Critical reviews in plant sciences 16:1-30.
Bonish, P. M., and K. W. Steele. 1985. Rhizobium populations in maize fields of the North Island, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research:299-303.
Bonish, P. M., K. W. Steele, and F. J. Neville. 1991. Denitrifying and symbiotic characteristics of lotus rhizobia from two New Zealand soils. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research:221-226.
Boogerd, F. C., and D. vanRossum. 1997. Nodulation of groundnut by Bradyrhizobium: a simple infection process by crack entry. Fems Microbiology Reviews 21:5-27.
Bossard, C. C., and M. Rejmanek. 1992. Why Have Green Stems. Functional Ecology 6:197-205.
Bras, C. P., M. A. Jordá, A. H. M. Wijfjes, M. Harteveld, N. Stuurman, H. P. Spaink, and J. E. Thomas-Oates. 2000. A Lotus japonicus nodulation system based on heterologous expression of the fucosyl transferase NodZ and the acetyl transferase NolL in Rhizobium leguminosarum. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 13:475-479.
Bravo, A., and J. Mora. 1988. Ammonium assimilation in Rhizobium phaseoli by the glutamine synthetase-glutamate synthase pathway. Journal of Bacteriology 170:980-984.
Brewin, N. J. 1993. The Rhizobium-legume symbiosis: plant morphogenesis in a nodule. Semin Cell Biol 4:149-156.
Brewin, N. J. 2002. Pods and nods: A new look at symbiotic nitrogen fixing bacteria. Biologist 49:113-117.
Brewin, N. J. 2004. Plant cell wall remodelling in the rhizobium-legume symbiosis. Critical reviews in plant sciences 23:293-316.
Brockwell, J. 1963. Accuracy of a plant-infection technique for counting populations of Rhizobium trifolii. Applied Microbiology 11:377-383.
Broos, K., H. Beyens, and E. Smolders. 2005. Survival of rhizobia in soil is sensitive to elevated zinc in the absence of the host plant. Soil Biology \& Biochemistry 37:573-579.
Broughton, W. J. 2003. Roses by other names: Taxonomy of the Rhizobiaceae. Journal of Bacteriology 185:2975-2979.
Broughton, W. J., S. Jabbouri, and X. Perret. 2000. Keys to symbiotic harmony. Journal of Bacteriology 182:5641-5652.
Broughton, W. J., and X. Perret. 1999. Genealogy of legume-Rhizobium symbioses. Current Opinion in Plant Biology 2:305-311.
Brown, J. R. 2003. Ancient horizontal gene transfer. Nat Rev Genet 4:121-132.
Brownsey, P. J. 2001. New Zealand's pteridophyte flora - Plants of ancient lineage but recent arrival? Brittonia 53:284-303.
Bruneau, A., F. Forest, P. S. Herendeen, B. B. Klitgaard, and G. P. Lewis. 2001. Phylogenetic relationships in the Caesalpinioideae (Leguminosae) as inferred from chloroplast trnL intron sequences. Systematic Botany 26:487-514.
Bryan, J. A., G. P. Berlyn, and J. C. Gordon. 1996. Toward a new concept of the evolution of symbiotic nitrogen fixation in the leguminosae. Plant and Soil 186:151-159.
Burris, R. H., and P. W. Wilson. 1952. Effect of haemoglobin and other nitrogenous compounds on the respiration of the rhizobia. Biochemical Journal 51:90-96.
Byzezinski, K., B. Rogozinski, T. St{\c e}pkowski , G. Bujacz, and M. Jaskolski. 2004. Cloning purification crystallization and preliminary crystallographic studies of Bradyrhizobium fucosyltransferase NodZ. Acta Crystallographica 60:344-346.
Camacho, M., C. Santamaria, E. Temprano, D. N. Rodriguez-Navarro, A. Daza, R. Espuny, R. Bellog\'in, F. J. Ollero, M. Lyrade, A. Buendia-Claveria, J. Zhou, F. D. Li, C. Mateos, E. Vel\'azquez, J. M. Vinardell, and J. E. Ru\'iz-Sainz. 2002. Soils of the Chinese Hubei province show a very high diversity of Sinorhizobium fredii strains. Systematic and applied microbiology 25:592-602.
Cantera, J. J. L., H. Kawasaki, and T. Seki. 2002. Farnesyl diphosphate synthase gene of three phototrophic bacteria and its use as a phylogenetic marker. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 52:1953-1960.
Cantera, J. J. L., H. Kawasaki, and T. Seki. 2002. Evolutionary relationship of phototrophic bacteria in the ?-proteobacteria based on farnesyl diphosphate synthase. Microbiology 148:1923-1929.
Cantera, J. J. L., H. Kawasaki, and T. Seki. 2004. The nitrogen-fixing gene (\emph{nifH}) of \emph{Rhodopseudomonas palustris}: a case of lateral gene transfer? Microbiology 150:2237-2246.
Capela, D., F. Barloy-Hubler, J. Gouzy, G. Bothe, F. Ampe, J. Batut, P. Boistard, A. Becker, M. Boutry, E. Cadieu, S. Dreano, S. Gloux, T. Godrie, A. Goffeau, D. Kahn, E. Kiss, V. Lelaure, D. Masuy, T. Pohl, D. Portetelle, A. Puhler, B. Purnelle, U. Ramsperger, C. Renard, P. Thebault, M. Vandenbol, S. Weidner, and F. Galibert. 2001. Analysis of the chromosome sequence of the legume symbiont Sinorhizobium meliloti strain 1021. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 98:9877-9882.
Carlson, R. W., B. Reuhs, T.-B. Chen, U. R. Bhat, and K. D. Noel. 1995. Lipopolysaccharide core structures in Rhizobium etli and mutants deficient in O-antigen. Journal of Biological Chemistry 270:11783-11788.
Cavalier-Smith, T. 2002. The neomuran origin of archaebacteria, the negibacterial root of the universal tree and bacterial megaclassification. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 52:7-76.
Cavalier-Smith, T. 2004. Only six kingdoms of life. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B-Biological Sciences 271:1251-1262.
Cére?monie, H., B. Cournoyer, P. Normand, M. P. Fernandez, and F. Maillet. 1998. Genetic complementation of rhizobial nod mutants with Frankia DNA: Artifact or reality? Molecular and General Genetics 260:115-119.
Chaintreuil, C., E. Giraud, Y. Prin, J. Lorquin, A. Ba, M. Gillis, P. de Lajudie, and B. Dreyfus. 2000. Photosynthetic Bradyrhizobia Are Natural Endophytes of the African Wild Rice Oryza breviligulata. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 66:5437-1427.
Chen, H., B.-G. Long, and H.-Y. Song. 1996. Exopolysaccharide-deficient mutants of Astragali rhizobia are symbiotically effective on Astragalus sinicus, an indeterminate nodulating host. Plant and Soil 179:217-221.
Chen, H., A. E. Richardson, and B. G. Rolfe. 1993. Studies of the physiological and genetic basis of acid tolerance in Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar trifolii. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 59:1798-1804.
Chen, L., Y. Cui, M. Qin, Y. Wang, X. Bai, and Q. Ma. 1992. Identification of a nodD-like gene in Frankia by direct complementation of a Rhizobium nodD-mutant. Molecular and General Genetics 233:311-314.
Chen, L. S., A. Figueredo, F. O. Pedrosa, and M. Hungria. 2000. Genetic characterization of soybean rhizobia in Paraguay. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 66:5099-5103.
Chen, L. S., M. Hungria, A. Figueredo, H. Villani, and J. Michajluk. 2002. Diversity and symbiotic effectiveness of rhizobia isolated from field-grown soybean nodules in Paraguay. Biology and Fertility of Soils 35:448-457.
Chen, M., F. Xie, and J. Zhou. 2001. Diversity of \emph{Sinorhizobium fredii} strains. Ying Yong Sheng Tai Xue Bao 12:597-600.
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Chen, R., R. Yaklich, D. L. Keister, A. A. Bhagwat, and R. Chen. 2002. Characterization of ndvD, the third gene involved in the synthesis of cyclic ?-(1?3),(1?6)-D-glucans in Bradyrhizobium japonicum. Canadian Journal of Microbiology 48:1008-1016.
Chen, W., E. Wang, S. Wang, Y. Li, and X. Chen. 1995. Characteristics of \emph{Rhizobium tianshanense} sp. nov., a moderately and slowly growing root nodule bacterium isolated from an arid saline environment in Xinjiang, People's Republic of China. International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 45:153-159.
Chen, W. M., E. K. James, A. R. Prescott, M. Kierans, and J. I. Sprent. 2003. Nodulation of Mimosa spp. by the beta-proteobacterium Ralstonia taiwanensis. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 16:1051-1061.
Chen, W. M., L. Moulin, C. Bontemps, P. Vandamme, G. Bena, and C. Boivin-Masson. 2003. Legume symbiotic nitrogen fixation by beta-proteobacteria is widespread in nature. Journal of Bacteriology 185:7266-7272.
Chen, W.-M., T.-M. Lee, C.-C. Lan, and C.-P. Cheng. 2000. Characterization of halotolerant rhizobia isolated from root nodules of Canavalia rosea from seaside areas. Fems Microbiology Ecology 34:9-16.
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de Lajudie, P., A. Willems, G. Nick, S. H. Mohamed, U. Torck, R. Coopman, A. Filali-Maltouf, K. Kersters, B. Dreyfus, K. Lindstr\"om, and M. Gillis. 1999. \emph{Agrobacterium} bv. 1 strains isolated from nodules of tropical legumes. Systematic and applied microbiology 22:119-132.
de Lajudie, P., A. Willems, G. Nick, F. Moreira, F. Molouba, B. Hoste, U. Torck, M. Neyra, M. D. Collins, K. Lindstr\"om, B. Dreyfus, and M. Gillis. 1998. Characterization of tropical tree rhizobia and description of \emph{Mesorhizobium plurifarium} sp. nov. International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 48:369-382.
de Lajudie, P., A. Willems, B. Pot, D. Dewettinck, G. Maestrojuan, M. Neyra, M. D. Collins, B. Dreyfus, K. Kersters, and M. Gillis. 1994. Polyphasic taxonomy of rhizobia: Emendation of the genus \emph{Sinorhizobium} and description of \emph{Sinorhizobium meliloti} comb. nov., \emph{Sinorhizobium saheli} sp. nov., and \emph{Sinorhizobium teranga} sp. nov. International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology:715-733.
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