About / Contact Me

A profile photo of Bevan Weir in the forest
Bevan Weir in the forest near Glenorchy

I am a scientist living in Auckland, New Zealand. I did my first degree in Biotechnology (BTech), and my PhD in Microbiology. This website started with my PhD project which was to investigate bacteria known as 'rhizobia' in New Zealand native and exotic legumes. These bacteria form nitrogen-fixing root nodules on legumes. I did this project in conjunction with Auckland University and Landcare Research from 2002 to 2006. After my PhD I worked for Corbans Viticulture and MAF Biosecurity NZ. My postdoc was working in the Fungal Biosystematics team at Landcare Research, working on the systematics of Colletotrichum. I currently lead the Mycology and Bacteriology Systematics research at Landcare Research, and am curator of the national culture collection of fungi and bacteria, the ICMP.

Current Roles

Work roles

Research Group Leader, Mycology & Bacteriology, Landcare Research
Research Priority Area Leader, Collections & Information systems, Landcare Research
Curator, ICMP culture collection
PSA delegate, Landcare Research, Auckland

Societies / Associations

Executive Committee member, International Mycological Association
Member, ISPP Committee on the Taxonomy of Plant Pathogenic Bacteria
Councillor, Fungal Network of New Zealand
National Science Committee member, Public Service Association
Deputy theme leader, Diagnostics, Better Border Biosecurity (B3)


Board chair, Freyberg community school board

Previous roles

Vice President, Australasian Mycological Society
Secretary, International Subcomission on Colletotrichum Taxonomy
Member, Crop Protection and Market Access steering group, Zespri

My profiles on social networking sites

Contact Details

The best way to contact me is by email at: [email protected], or at my work details below:

Landcare Research
Research Scientist, Mycology and Bacteriology
Private Bag 92170
New Zealand