Here you can download some files available on this website. Please note that I have optimised and compressed the PDF files to version 1.7, so you will need version 8 of adobe reader or Foxit to view them.
- Endnote to BibTex database conversion [ENS]
- A nice-looking natbib style [BST]
- warpcol package documentation [PDF]
- Rhizobia references in BibTeX format [BIB]
- modelblockPAUPb10.txt [TXT] – The file that makes modeltest work.
- ML-search.txt [TXT] – creates a Maximum Likelihood tree in PAUP* using the Modeltest parameters.
- NJ-search.txt [TXT] – creates a Neighbour Joining tree in PAUP* using the HKY85 model, with 1000 bootstrap replicates.
- MB-search.txt [TXT] – creates a Bayesian tree in MrBayes using the GTR+I+G model.
Publications and Presentations
For full references visit my publications page.
- Bioprospecting environmental genomes – (My Honours degree thesis, Auckland University, 2001)
- Origins of rhizobia in New Zealand – Centre of Biodiversity and Biosecurity Seminar [PDF]
- Identification and specificity of rhizobia nodulating the native and introduced legumes of New Zealand – 14th Australian Nitrogen Fixation Conference [PDF]
- Rhizobial diversity of New Zealand legumes – ISME-10 Conference poster [PDF]
- Diversity of 16S rDNA sequences of Rhizobium spp. Implications for species determinations – N2 fix 2004 Conference poster [PDF]
- Systematics, Specificity, and Ecology of New Zealand Rhizobia – PhD Thesis [PDF]
- Impact of Rearing Method on Genetic Variation in a Biological Control Agent, Heather Beetle – Plant Protection Society poster [PDF]
- Simultaneous identification of multiple fungal pathogens and endophytes with database t-RFLP PHYTOPATHOLOGIA MEDITERRANEA. 48(1) Sp. Iss. SI: 163–164. Poster [PDF]
- A new Candidatus Liberibacter species associated with Solanaceous plants – 9th International Congress of Plant Pathology Talk [PDF]
- Development of an advanced PCR technique to detect grapevine trunk diseases – The Australian & New Zealand Grapegrower & Winemaker [PDF]
Supplementary data
See the publications page or for code my github: